Why You Should be Listening to RXK Nephew Right Now

Portrait of RXK Nephew

With his insane beats; off-the-dome flows; and zany lyrics about street shenanigans, Jehovah’s Witnesses, American politics, and his auntie, RXK Nephew is like no rapper you’ve ever listened to before.

I’m an underground junkie and can confidently say that Neph is starting a new era of rap. One with no concern about writing down lyrics or creating the perfect beat. In fact, according to Neph in “Cake & Eat it too”, “writin is dumb, thinkin bout what you bout to say is stupid.” And I can get behind that, kind of.

I feel like my own writing process is often inhibited by this tiny voice in my head saying, “don’t write that. It’s stupid and no one wants to hear it.” And this stops me from writing anything at all. This may be why I gravitate to the world of underground rap. Artists aren’t concerned with an audience. In other words, they make music to express themselves; if others like it then that’s a plus.

What I love most about RXK Nephew is that he’s not for everybody. Maybe it’s a Rochester thing, but he’s raw and uninhibited. While most people are worried about being judged for what they say and think, Neph isn’t concerned with any of that. He’s speaking what he lives and sees and nothing less. He also has no fears of genre-bending or siding with an unknown producer.

Above all, Neph loves to create. He releases songs almost daily, meaning there’s no waiting for a project to drop. According to Neph’s interview with Rolling Stone, he released over 400 songs in 2021 alone. That’s more than even a super fan can keep up with. But it means new listeners can jump on Slitherman’s bandwagon without feeling like they need to play catch up.

So how did I find Neph in the first place? I have to thank his longtime friend and collaborator Rx Papi, whose song Valentino Swans intrigued me. As I crawled Youtube looking for more, I discovered Neph’s song “Dawg Talk” produced by BOSSUP, another legend, which completely sucked me in. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d heard such seamless grit on a track.

Not only is Neph telling us stories in his lyrics, but he’s also serving up facts. He doesn’t make up phony lyrics to impress his listeners, and he tells us himself, “bein real gon be the death of me I know I ain’t tripping.” This is what the rap world needs right now. An artist who isn’t fabricating for fame.

Moreover, he isn’t worried about competition. In fact, Neph has collaborations with some of my other favorite underground heavy hitters, Philly-based Quadie Diesel and Detroit-based Zelooperz. He’s also got a cosign from comedian Eric Andre. What more does he need?

I know I’m not the only one giving Neph love. Oberlin College brought him out to the middle of nowhere Ohio for a performance back in 2021. (And believe me, any artist who’s willing to play a gig at a small liberal arts college deserves respect.) If you’re looking to book him next, you can listen to the 40-minute set here.

The love for Neph extends beyond the stage too. There’s one eBay user selling a dope Too Tuff Tony t-shirt for $85. And another is selling his Crack Therapy 3 vinyl for $525! Remind me to keep my eyes peeled the next time Big Neph’s releasing merchandise. I might need to start my own collection.

But when it comes to getting to know RXK Nephew, you really just have to listen to him yourself. Here’s a list of some of my favorites, all of which I recommend listening to in a car or with a sound system.