Meatless Days (1989) – Sara Suleri

I was drawn to Sara Suleri’s Meatless Days for aesthetic reasons. I love the title of the autobiography. Is she a vegetarian? Why are the days meatless? I wanted to know more. Not only that, I love the image on the lilac-colored cover. One of Suleri’s dear sisters, Ifat, dressed in a gharara and holding… Continue reading Meatless Days (1989) – Sara Suleri

Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing (1990) – Hélène Cixous

It is no exaggeration to call Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing by Hélène Cixous a small masterpiece. A slim and sprightly book, Cixous haunted me with her notions of death, dreams, and roots pertaining to the writing process. Three Steps felt like one long, much-needed, exhalation. I could cry over the way Cixous… Continue reading Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing (1990) – Hélène Cixous